Frontend development

Whether product configurators, analysis dashboards or ERP and commerce systems - we develop appealing user interfaces for customized applications. Our team attaches great importance to user-centered design and ease of use.

Problems, you know?

Your team lacks expertise in user-friendly and intuitive frontend development?

You don’t currently have internal resources for frontend development?

Your frontend contains old technologies and no modern design?

Want a consistent front end for a seamless user experience?

Why a modern frontend will drive your business forward


Improving the user experience

The main motivation for front-end development is to provide a positive and seamless user experience. An appealing user interface (UI) and well-designed front-end interaction enable customers to use the application intuitively and efficiently. By helping users achieve their goals smoothly and feel comfortable doing so, their satisfaction increases.


Increase customer loyalty and end-user acceptance

A continued focus on an optimized user experience improves customer retention and increases adoption when using the software. At the same time, a user-friendly interface reduces the learning curve and resistance to new technologies, so users become familiar with the application more quickly and can use it more effectively.


Increase efficiency and productivity

Thoughtful front-end development makes the application more efficient to use. Unnecessary steps are eliminated, complex processes are simplified and customers complete their tasks faster. This not only benefits the end users, but also the internal team. Productivity is increased, the training period for new employees is shortened and the susceptibility to errors is reduced.



In today’s competitive business world, an outstanding user experience on the front end is a key differentiator. When customers are choosing between similar products or services, superior front-end design can make all the difference. Companies that invest in front-end development set themselves apart from the competition and position themselves as innovative, customer-centric, and forward-thinking.

Our expertise


Examples of use



Interactive applications

Responsive design

Usability and User Experience

API connection and data processing

Testing and Debugging

Cross-Browser compatibility

Animations and effects

Integration of frontend frameworkss


Our preferred tech stack


This is not a complete list of our tech stack. Contact us to learn what else we can do for your high quality software.










This is how we communicate







Why should you work with us?


Cross-browser and cross-platform testing

Thorough testing of the web application on different browsers and platforms is an essential part of the entire web application development process. The goal is to ensure a consistent user experience across all devices and browsers to achieve the highest satisfaction for end users.


Selection of suitable programming languages

After gaining a comprehensive understanding of your product requirements, our developers navigate the rapidly changing technology landscape. In doing so, they select the most appropriate languages and tools for the development process.


Mastery of the latest technologies

Our skilled developers are experts in advanced app development and have extensive knowledge of the latest technologies and place great emphasis on a solid architecture to ensure scalability, maintainability and reliability.



We use the feedback and findings from the usability tests to identify weaknesses and develop concrete suggestions for improvement. In addition, we can ensure that usability is at the highest level and a smooth user experience is guaranteed for the end users.


Performance optimization

As a company, we place great emphasis on optimizing the performance of your application to provide a smooth and fast user experience for the end users of the application. We apply best practices to minimize load times and optimize the performance of the application.


Long-term partnership

Wir sind bestrebt, langfristige Partnerschaften aufzubauen und unterstützen dich auch nach Abschluss des Projekts mit kontinuierlichem Support und Wartung, um sicherzustellen, dass deine Anwendung stets auf dem neuesten Stand ist.We are committed to building long-term partnerships and will continue to support you with ongoing support and maintenance after the project is complete to ensure your application is always up to date.

From start-ups to large corporations These companies rely on our expertise in frontend development

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